
September 29, 2010

Along the Ulu Pandan Park Connector from N Buona Vista Road to Pandan Reservoir

The Route
1. Walk along the Ulu Pandan Park Connector from North Buona Vista to Ayer Rajah Expressway AYE
2. Cross over AYE to West Coast Road to Pandan Reservoir
3. Walk around Pandan Reservoir

From North Buono Vista Road to Clementi Road the river is concrete-lined. Ghim Moh Estates and the Holland Groove Estates can be seen on the right bank while the left bank is covered with forests.

Pedestrian Bridge Across Sungei Ulu Pandan
After crossing Clementi Road the banks are left in a natural state with vegetation covering the banks. Several notable bridges cross the river - a beautifully canopied pedestrian bridge, an old unused railway bridge and several highway bridges including one for the MRT rail line.

Unused Railway Bridge
The greenery gives a back-to-nature look on this stretch. Lookout for kingfishers and white egrets feeding in the canal. When we arrived at AYE, we had to walk through the International Business Park to reach an overhead bridge to get across it. As we proceeded southward, we eventually reached West Coast Road and the Pandan Reservoir.

Sungei Ulu Pandan

The Reservoir is deceptive because of a hidden curve in the shoreline making us think that the circumference is 4km. It is actually about 6km. It was exposed and at the time we were there, hot. Two dangers here i.e. heat or lightning.

Pandan Reservoir

Pandan Reservoir
Pandan Reservoir was formed by damming Sungei Pandan. The towns of Pandan Gardens and Teban Gardens are on one side and the industrial areas of Penjuru Road and Jalan Buroh on the other side. Facilities include canoeing, fishing and a gravel track for jogging.


Map data ©2020 Google

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